CenterEdge CEO shares 2020’s lessons, plans for the new year, and holiday greetings from our family to yours.
A word from Marcus:
As the year comes to an end, it is a good time for reflection. This past year has been challenging, both personally and professionally. The pandemic has certainly changed most of our lives. As I look back on the past 12 months, I remember the feeling of some of the darkest days of my life; but I also have some of the best memories with my family. I will forever be thankful that life slowed us down a little so we could appreciate what was really important.
I feel the same way about my extended family at CenterEdge. Our year started out strong! We had just come off a very successful IAAPA in November, and then followed it up with our first ever user conference in February. It was really easy to get lost in our success. Obviously, things drastically changed in March.
I am not sure I have ever felt more uncertain about life and business as I did at the beginning of the pandemic. I placed an enormous amount of pressure on myself to discover solutions to problems yet to be defined. Every time I reached out to the staff to reassure them everything was going to be ok, I felt alone. And when my family would discuss missed school, cancelled athletic games, or their lack of social events, I was screaming inside, “how am I going to take care of 80 staff members and their families, plus 1000 clients!” while also trying to take care of them. It did not take me long to realize that I was not alone. My leadership team circled the wagons. We leaned on each other. We worried with each other. And more importantly, we planned together.
I am immensely proud of our response to the pandemic for our clients. We knew we needed to help them while also protecting our future. We provided relief where we could, maintained our staff to ensure calls were received and questions were answered. We continued to develop our product; and I am happy to say we will be releasing a new product very soon. We also worked on diversifying our offerings, specifically focusing on minimizing our clients’ expenses while also improving our revenue stream. Our new credit card payment service has certainly met that goal.
Going into 2021, I am cautiously optimistic about our industry. With the vaccines starting to be distributed, I look forward to the days where we can travel, be amongst friends, and enjoy entertainment outside our home. But what I am most excited about for 2021 is continuing to strengthen the bonds we have created as a team, while continuing to build relationships with our clients.
So from me, my family and my entire CenterEdge team, thank you to each and every one of you for continuing to be a part of our lives. I hope you all have a very happy holiday season, and the warmest of wishes for a prosperous and healthy 2021.
Marcus Mayer
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