Event Bookings

Create, sell, book, and schedule events of any size and type online and in-store.

A Best-In-Class Event Booking Platform

Online or In-Store Bookings

Allow guests to book a birthday party or event at their convenience

Food & Beverage Integration

Offer unique F&B options set automatically to arrive at just the right time


Unique packages that can include different attractions, food, game play, and more

One of a Kind Events That Delight

No matter what kind of amusement or entertainment facility you operate, events are a big part of what you offer. This advanced feature set makes it simple to create packages, extras, and upgrade options that can be sold onsite, by phone, or online. Guests who book online will love the ability to reserve their perfect time, attractions, rooms, and more while you never have to worry about double booking or resource management.

Advanced Event Booking for World-Class Events

Event Packages

Get creative with customizable event packages

Develop outstanding event packages that include a variety of attractions, admissions, food and beverage, and gameplay to create memorable experiences your guests will love. There’s no limit to the number or type of event packages you can create, so get creative in developing unique packages for birthday parties, corporate events, fundraisers, field trips, and more.

  • Customizable event sizes with inclusions for food, admissions, attractions, and party rooms
  • Add additional passes, capacity items, discounts, gameplay or card value in real-time
  • Create multiple event types for different ages, group type, and more, with different price points, so you can deliver truly one of a kind events

Special Events

Make memories and drive revenue with special events

As a pillar in your community, you need the power to build and offer the perfect special events to your community. Create fundraisers, VIP events, concerts, Breakfasts with Santa, specialty classes, or anything else that will help you make memories and drive revenue. Individual events or a series that offer and bill for on a recurring basis, are all easy with Advantage Events.

  • Classes can be built as one-off or a series
  • Set event capacities and sell individual tickets, e.g. concerts or movies
  • Set up to not charge tax if a nonprofit, or to give funds back to an organization
  • Host and track marketing data, revenue and tax requirements for fundraisers and organization attendees seamlessly

Reserved Areas

Make the most out of your venue’s space.

Maximize every square foot of your facility’s revenue-generating potential. Establish areas within your facility for event or reservation use and you can seamlessly sell, schedule, and manage capacity of those areas as part of a unique and profitable events program. Party rooms, tables, poolside cabanas, or VIP lanes and lounges, and even specific staff or special characters can be presented for guests to reserve, upgrading their experience while earning your business more revenue.

  • Graphical mapping of areas for visual representation of spaces
  • Ability to choose a specific room, area, or other capacity-managed items online when booking parties
  • Capacities and timeslots can be added. combined, and removed easily
  • As reserved areas are booked within events, they are removed from inventory to avoid double booking

Upgrades & Add-On Items

Deliver the personalized events guests love

Enhance events with options for additional gameplay, attractions, food and beverage, or any combination of your offerings. During an event, hosts can increase the wow factor and overall event spending with customized upsells and bonus attractions, even adding to game cards without needing to collect and load them!

  • Create add-ons that can be used for one or more event types, per person or per event
  • Cards and payment media can be added even while game cards are in use
  • Pricing & kitchen ordering for add-on F&B is customizable so exactly what is needed is offered
  • Inclusions in upgrades can be any number of passes, value, entitlements, etc.

Check Out More Advantage
Events Offerings

Everything you need to create, sell, schedule, and manage birthday parties and group events.

Event Communications

Messaging tools to manage guest expectations for successful events.

Event Planning

A powerful set of planning features to help ensure events run smoothly.

Event Processing

Robust tools for accurate payments, event records, and revenue allocation.