If your facility is practicing more waiver don’ts than do’s, you might be doing more harm than good.
When it comes to guest experience, every interaction counts. From the very first impression someone gets of your facility, they are forming an opinion about everything—from the color of your logo to the “hassle factor” of buying tickets and getting in the door. As Simon Sinek says, “Every decision you make is a piece of communication.” That means analyzing each step of your key processes to ensure your communication within the process aligns to your organizational values.
One often-overlooked process is how waivers are handled. A cumbersome waiver process can give guests a negative impression that can color their entire experience or cause them to actively seek out other negatives in your park. Read on to learn the 5 ways your waiver process could be killing your guests’ experience and valuable tips to fix it.
No. 1: Not offering an online waiver.
Many people plan ahead when visiting an entertainment venue—checking the weather, deciding what to wear, where to park and what their ticketing options are. With everything planned and the excitement building, they arrive at your park only to learn you require a completed safety waiver for every member of their party. If this isn’t a bummer we’re not sure what is.
Branding your park as one that increases wait time with tedious paperwork that could have been done online will make you seem like a business that doesn’t value efficiency or your guests’ time.
Instead, make it easy for guests to complete waivers online, paying special attention to how mobile-friendly your waiver process is. Use large buttons or call out boxes on your web site and in your web store—anywhere your guests may purchase tickets or book events requiring them to complete a waiver.
No. 2: Not having a birthday party waiver process.
Birthday party and event check-ins can be stressful, but they don’t have to be. The most effective party processes include sending party guests a link inside their party invitation so parents can complete waivers prior to arriving onsite for their events.
Upon guest arrival, hosts can check in guests and verify waivers quickly to get the party started. Links to complete safety waivers should be sent to coordinators multiple times throughout the process including party confirmation details, when answering parent questions via email, when checking guest lists, and when sending any final confirmations.
No. 3: Not having clear signage to waiver kiosks.
While an online waiver process is essential, it won’t replace the need for well-positioned waiver stations inside your park. These kiosks should be stationed in easy-to-locate areas near your entrance.
Ensure that they’re always in working order, that you have enough stations for peak times, and use signage if necessary to point guests where they need to go. Consider a large, “Step 1” sign directing first time guests to your waiver kiosks or that tell guests to skip ahead to the admission line if they already have a waiver on file. And of course, never underestimate the use of a welcome ambassador directing people to the right place, especially during busy times.
No. 4: Not clearly communicating your processes.
The best processes in the world won’t do much if no one knows they exist. Make it a staff training policy to notify guests of any attractions requiring a waiver, listing the guest benefits clearly.
On the web, on the phone and in party and event confirmation calls and emails, be clear that completing waivers ahead of time will save your guests time and stress upon arrival and save them from missing attraction time. Encourage guests to have their barcodes from their confirmation emails ready to get them processed in seconds, maximizing your efficiency and their experience.
No. 5: Taking risky short cuts.
To an overwhelmed admissions cashier, taking a short cut and applying one waiver to multiple tickets may seem like an attractive alternative to searching the waiver queue when selling tickets. However, permitting this short cut puts your facility at risk for not having a verified waiver for every guest in your park. While allowing overrides is at your park’s discretion, carefully consider consequences of what might happen if a team member abuses the system.
A bit of time spent in advance of events with guest lists can save you and your guests time and prevent in-the-moment short cuts. Before conducting Party Prep Phone calls, a party coordinator can save time and stress at check in by comparing the guest list with the waiver queue and notifying the party parent of missing waivers. Doing so can help get last minute waivers completed before guests’ arrival, meaning less hassle for everyone.
Need to streamline (or start) your waiver process? Our experts can help! Contact the CenterEdge team at info@centeredgesoftware.com.
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