Today’s team member we would like to introduce is a true industry professional and one of the nicest people you’ll meet. He’s Andy Rye, one of our great trainers. Andy has been with CenterEdge for over four years but worked for our sister company, Palace Pointe, for nearly 15 before that as the Director of Operations. To say that he is an expert at the software would be an understatement since he was one of the very first clients! His industry expertise coupled with his software knowledge make him a terrific fit for working with new and existing clients learning the software. So, please allow us to introduce Andy Rye.
What do you love most about our CenterEdge clients? I love this industry and I sometimes miss working in a center. But now I get to hear new clients’ enthusiasm for their new business or for a new tool to help them achieve their goals. I like helping them work with the software and getting to know them. And if I can give them some of my operational experience, well then I still get to be involved in the industry.
Which of our core values speaks to you the most? Integrity. Working in operations for so long and with all different types of people, I’ve learned that you have to be up front and honest always, and that you need to do what you say you’re going to do. And you have to be yourself and open to other ideas. I tell clients, “I know a lot. But I for sure don’t know it all. If you ask me something that I don’t know, I’m going to find an answer for you and come back with it.” And I always always do. You’ve got to have trust or you’ve got nothing.
Let’s do a fun fact. What is the first purchase you made with your own money? Oh this is going to date me. My grandparents had given me a cassette player that was just the cassette player, a speaker and a handle. So the first thing I bought was a tape to go in it. I don’t remember now how much it was, who knows I probably made the money cutting grass. But I was proud. Laughs. It was “My Sharona” in the late 70s. I just told that story to my son the other day.
What we love about Andy: Because Andy’s been with both sides of our company, what we love about Andy came from one of Andy’s team members from all those years ago, who’s now our CFO. He recalls him, in addition to being thoughtful and considerate, being particularly attentive to details, running a tight and orderly ship, and having a relentless dedication to following through. It’s a good thing that some things never change.
Say hi to Andy at
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