Continue to adapt your approach in these key areas to meet your business’ needs in the ever-changing amusement landscape.
Many times over these last months, it seemed like all we could do just to survive some days. We had to reimagine our businesses as we fought to reopen and recover. As you look forward to the new year, now is a good time to review the management strategies that you implemented and decide how you need to change them in the new year.
We brought back our facility management blog series to help you analyze your approach around the key areas that can help your amusement facility thrive as you move forward. Each section links to a more detailed blog for easy reference so that you can start where it makes the most sense.
No. 1: Capacity Management
If you reopened, it’s likely that you did so with new capacity management systems. Consider how those systems may need to be updated. You may wish to create a new admission bundle to sell online that includes entrance, attractions, gameplay, and even food and beverage combos for a specific amount of time. Guests benefit from knowing they have secured their place at your facility at good entertainment value while your business benefits from securing revenue in advance and managing traffic flow.
Once in the facility, attraction capacity needs still come into play as you decide how to sell and schedule laser tag, jump or VR attraction tickets to manage throughput in the way that makes the most sense.
In a time where every minute will count if guests may not stay as long, it’s essential that you deliver value for them while maximizing revenue potential. Jump to Capacity Management blog.
No. 2: Guest Interaction Management
Maintain stronger social distance measures by allowing guests to purchase online, on a mobile device, or even at self-service kiosks, which would allow you to manage staffing and provide guests more control over their interactions with team members. For even more transparency, configure your online store to show the remaining ticket capacity and a heatmap so guests can select the time that best meets their needs. In addition to helping you manage capacity, you’ll also be able to manage throughput peaks and valleys in new ways. Jump to Guest Interaction blog.
No. 3: Events Management
When you’re ready to begin offering events again, consider how you might need to adjust your party room map to maintain new social distancing measures with different area configurations. Easily update the number of guests and items included in party and event packages so that you can manage the numbers, experience, and revenue. Use CenterEdge’s Cascading Scheduling feature to schedule party space, attractions and food and beverage however you need to adhere to new guidelines. Jump to Events Management blog.
No. 4: Process Management
Once you refresh capacity, sanitization, and employee management processes, you’ll want to automate reminders and communication between shifts as much as possible. Use shift notes to communicate between shift leaders, and set up automatic report notifications to help manage headcounts, remind shift leaders to perform cleaning checks, or to remind team members at POS stations to sanitize their stations. Jump to Process Management blog.
No. 5: Recurring Revenue
Unique products such as memberships with recurring billing and season passes that auto-renew offer guests a way to “keep the fun going” at a low cost of entry and potentially lower monthly costs. Your facility has the benefit of ongoing revenue, and the ability to boost revenue with targeted marketing offers, such as family picnic takeout bundles, that can be sent to members and passholders. Jump to Recurring Revenue blog.
No. 6: Smart Marketing
Use guest data to send targeted marketing messages to drive new guest behavior. Segment into smaller lists for time-sensitive campaigns aimed at driving guest flow and purchase behavior in ways that make the most sense for your capacity and revenue goals. Unique loyalty programs allow you to get to know your guests so you can find new ways to reward your most loyal fans. Jump to Smart Marketing blog.
We’ve explored each one of these topics thoroughly in our blog series, Rethinking Your Facility Management Approach. Navigate to any topic right from this post by clicking any of the links or by clicking the “next” or “previous in series” buttons at the bottom of each post. As always, the CenterEdge team is always here to help. Because helping family entertainment facilities dream new ways to operate is what we do.
Interested in learning how CenterEdge Software can help you manage your facility now and in the future? Schedule a virtual demo today.
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