As a continuation of my blog, “How Long Will It Take to Pay for a FEC POS Software?“, I’m going to focus on how having the right point of sale for your family entertainment center, waterpark or similar locations, will assist in decreasing your labor expense. There really is no better means to control your labor than a good employee scheduling software. However I could spend an entire blog on employee scheduling alone, so I am going to concentrate on the more obscure ways a POS can assist in labor savings.
Faster Line Speeds: Every reputable point of sale software company boasts “fast transactions speeds”, because we all understand the attraction. In the ’90’s this was a very valuable marketing statement, because the software companies were competing against cash registers and 2 minute credit card processing. Nowadays, depending on screen configuration, transactions speeds (specifically credit card approvals) has increased drastically. Faster transactional speeds equals less necessary employees.
Why stop at optimizing your screen layouts? Have you considered adding unmanned kiosks and eliminate labor all together? Kiosks are an excellent way to sell tickets to attractions, gather customer information, or add value to a card.
Or how about adding mobile POS stations running on iPads? This will allow the employee to perform other duties while also being a cashier, or allow you to take the service to the customers instead of waiting on them to come to a register.
Controlling Clock In and Out Times: Ok, so I said I wasn’t going to talk about employee scheduling, and I’m really not going to get into the details. However, as I mentioned in my blog, “How Lost Prevention Can Increase the ROI of Your FEC POS“, employee theft is a major drain on the bottom line of most companies. One of the simplest and most often used means of stealing from a company is clocking in too early, or clocking out too late. By using the time clock built into your point of sale, you can now control how much in advance an employee can clock in or how much later they can clock out.
You can also control how late they can clock in, which will assist acknowledging those employees that have a difficult time showing up on time.
No More Token Pulls: Anyone that has spent time operating an arcade understands the amount of time it takes to pull and count tokens. Even in the smallest of arcades, the labor hours spent weekly is double digit. Even at minimum wage, it wouldn’t take an arcade long to pay for a debit card system, simply by removing the necessity of counting tokens, and replacing tickets.
In addition, considering a debit card system is completely automated, you are are also removing the possibility of human error, which will ultimately increase revenue, and decrease the need for manual reporting.
Interested in other ways a debit card system can assist your business, read this blog, “Beyond the Arcade: Other Uses for a Debit Card System.“
The fact is point of sale systems were developed to enhance business, including lowering labor costs. I would love to hear how your POS has helped lower your costs. Please leave a comment below.
If you would like to see our software, please call us at (336) 598-5934 or click the button below.
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