It seems strange that online ticketing has only been in the mainstream for a decade or so. For a while, it was mostly concert tickets purchased through Ticketmaster. Then, slowly but surely, movie theatres and some larger parks like theme parks and zoos started to offer tickets online. Now, nearly every entertainment venue from trampoline parks and laser tag facilities to water parks and aquariums offers some type of online ticket sales.
So now everyone else is offering online ticket sales, but should you? What benefits does online ticketing software offer your business?
Improve Ticket Sales
If you don’t have online ticketing software, some of your customers will go elsewhere instead. In order to explain why, you have to ask one question.
Why are online ticket sales so popular? In one word: convenience. A potential customer would rather buy tickets in advance. Otherwise, they’ll be afraid that after driving all the way to your facility, you’ll either be sold out or they won’t be able to get tickets for the time that they want. Your customers want to know that all of their friends will be able to see the show at the same time, or jump at the trampoline park at the same time.
And customers are creatures of habit. So if your facility is one of the few that doesn’t offer online tickets, they’ll get frustrated and go to one of your competitors, or just do something else altogether.
Web Transaction Fees
We have discussed the value of convenience for online ticket sales in the past, but it is worth mentioning again. The mere fact that your customers are willing to pay a web transaction fee (or “convenience” fee) proves that they value the service. And while there are some costs associated with operating a web store, web transaction fees are where you can recoup that cost. In fact, virtually all of our customers make more in web transaction fees revenue than the web store costs them. Whether you look at transaction fees as a way to cover your costs or just another income source, your web store can make money for you outside of ticket sales.
Reduce Front Line Labor
When you sell a ticket online, your customer can print the ticket from their own computer. You can put barcodes on these tickets so that they can be scanned right at your attractions. So when a customer enters your facility, they can bypass the front ticket counter. This means that you will need fewer employees standing at your front counter, saving you on labor costs. So not only can you make money with the web transaction fees, but you can have payroll savings, too.
With online ticket software, you can reach customers that you would have missed otherwise merely by letting them buy tickets in advance, from home. You can also tap into a new revenue source with web transaction fees. And finally, you can cut back on labor since you won’t need as many front line cashiers. There are lots of benefits to offering online ticket sales, so why not take the plunge?
Interested in learning about CenterEdge’s online ticketing software solutions? Call us at (336) 598-5934 or click below to schedule an online demo.
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